As a user, I want to be able to sort the table by categories, so that I can visualize my habits.
How to Demo:
When I open the app, I will be taken to the Pedometer home page. I will go to the Trends tab and go to where it has the table with the dates, BMI, weight and steps. I will use the dropdowns to show specific columns or to sort the table according to what I want to view.
Acceptance Criteria:
I want to have the ability to sort the table of data according to my preferences. When I make a selection using the dropdown, it should only display that particular category. The data is sorted successfully based on categories, it can be sorted by ascending and descending order.
Definition of Done:
This story is complete. To verify this, I was able to sort the table by Date, BMI, Weight and Steps. Each of the categories displayed it’s corresponding data in the table while disabling others. I was able to sort any field in an ascending or descending order.
Merge Requests !28 (merged)