As a user, I want to see a graph of my previous daily BMI, so that I can visualize my habits.
How to Demo:
Once I open the app, I will be on the Pedometer home screen. I will go to the Trends tab and press the BMI button to view my BMI progress over a period of time.
Acceptance Criteria:
This story lets users view their previous BMI to see how their body mass has altered since downloading our application. The user wants to know their BMI improvement over a period of time; whether it's by the hour, week or month, the BMI graph will display their progress and correlation during the time.
Definition of Done - Documentation:
This user story is complete. To verify this, I opened the app and went to the Trends tab located in the footer and clicked on the BMI button. I was able to view my BMI for today and all the previous days as well as see the correlation either through a line graph and table. The numbers in the table matched the line graph and the BMI was calculated correctly indicating the SQL query worked for weight and height.